February 15
Click here to donate snacks and/or volunteer!
Link to Cougars Team Store
February 14
Staff Appreciation Valentines
February 14
Volunteers needed for basketball concessions
February 15
(Donations and Volunteers needed)
February 19
PTSA Guest Speaker: Mental Fitness
6:30 PM in the Library
See left or CLICK HERE for flyer
March 5
March 7
Staff Appreciation: Sonic Drinks
March 27
Staff Appreciation: Grab & Go Snacks / Drinks
(provided by Sophomore families)
April 12
After Prom
May 7
PTSA / Site Council Meeting:
3 PM in the Library
May 7
Staff Appreciation: Cookout Lunch
(provided by Freshman families)
May 19
Staff Appreciation: Tea Party


Text @smnwptsa to 81010 for occasional text reminders

Our PTSA is a 501(c)(3) organization, so all donations are tax deductible! Click below to donate any time!
Donate through Venmo

staff appreciation
Please consider contributing to the great things our PTSA does throughout the year to show appreciation to our teachers and staff!

There will be many volunteer needs throughout the year! Our biggest need for volunteers will be After Prom, which requires nearly 150 people to check in students, run carnival games, deal Blackjack, supervise inflatables, serve snacks, draw prize winners, and more! All volunteer needs and sign up links will be posted above in the list of upcoming events and/or with individual event flyers.
SMAC Clothing Exchange Hours